Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Gaining and Keeping the Hearts of Our Young People

In our men's study breakfast this past month we discussed the importance of having a biblical mindset in the critical task of raising our children. We talked about the importance of Proverbs 23:26, "My son, give me your heart." Notice it does not say to give me your obedience or give me your physical presence (as noted by the author of the book we are studying), but "give me your heart."
That is the challenge, isn't it, to gain the hearts of our children. It cannot be done without much prayer (with and for our children) and much time spent with them (the modern mantra of "quality time instead of quantity time" is an un-biblical idea).
One of the greatest tragedies that a Christian parent can face is to see their child come to their teenage years and reject the faith. But how do we do all that we can to see that does not happen? Obviously we can't guarantee that it won't, even if we apply ourselves biblically to the task. Even those who have done all the "right things" to encourage their children to "give me your heart" have no absolute divine promise that such children will remain in the church, though we pray that they will. 
The other day I came across a really insightful and rightly-focused article on the Christian Coalition's blog. It takes a fresh and helpful approach; instead of considering those who have left, and trying to see "what went wrong?" he considers those who have stayed in the church and to whom God has given a vital faith and asks the question, "what went right?" What is it that sets apart the kids who stay in the church?
Give this a read. If you are a Christian parent of young children be sure to give this a read.

Here is the link.

Pastor Gene