Part of the purpose of this portion of our website is to expand on my "Voices of Faith" (VoF) answers. Some of you, however, may have no idea what VoF is, so here is a brief explanation.
Our local newspaper here in Redding, the Record Searchlight, runs a feature each Saturday called Voices of Faith. For this feature the paper has assembled a panel of writers from widely divergent religious positions (Jewish, Muslim, Christian Science, Unitarian, Anglican) as well as several Christian denominations. I write each week presenting a reformed Christian perspective.
The questions are given to the writers in advance, and each person submits their answers, which appear in the next issue of the feature. The catch is that we are limited to 150 words. While this forces us to be concise, it is often a bit too restrictive for us (for me at least) to give a good answer. In those cases, and since I know that many people read VoF, I thought that this forum would give an opportunity to expand a bit on some answers.
You will not find an expansion of the answer to every question here (some of the questions are, to be honest, quite inane), but occasionally I'll want to flesh things out a little more.
If a post is an expansion on a Voices of Faith article, I'll flag it with (VoF) in the title.
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